
Varicosis / varicosis

Varicosis / varicosis
Are dilatations that occur in the veins which cause general failure of the venous valves. They are located mainly in the legs and also tend to be frequent in the esophagus (esophageal varices) and in the ano-rectal plexus (Haemorrhoids). SYMPTOMS: A feeling of heaviness, pain, itching, tiredness, cramps. If you are long in the lower limbs is a dark pigmentation of the skin or even an ulcer. CAUSES: 1) is usually due to a congenital insufficiency of venous valves (the folds located in the inner wall of the veins to prevent blood back into his path and leaves the heart to normal), 2) can also be Thrombophlebitis to, or the pressure of the veins during pregnancy. COMMENTS: 1) They are usually located in the lower extremities, 2) The long standing is a factor that exacerbates the process, 3) The feeling of heaviness, pain and itching are the usual symptoms, 4) Hemorrhoids are one of its variants .

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