

It is a descriptive science that studies the internal structures of the living entities, that is to say the topography, the location, the disposition and the relation between yes of the organs that compose them.

Asthma / asma

The asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system characterized by airways you hyperreactivate, that is to say, an increase in the response broncoconstrictora of the bronchial tree.

APPENDIX XIFOIDES = XIFOIDES / xifoides apendice xifoides

And lower triangular portion of bone Sternum

Anti-bodies/ anticuerpos

The antibodies (also known as immunoglobulin) are glycoprotein’s of the type gamma globulin. They can be of soluble form in the blood or in other corporal fluids of the vertebrates, having an identical form that acts as recipient of the lymphocytes B and are used by the system inmunitario to identify and to neutralize such strange elements as bacteria, virus or parasites.

Antigenes/ antigeno

An antigen is a substance that unleashes the formation of antibodies and can cause an immune response. The modern definition includes all the substances that can be recognized by the immune adaptative system, well be own or foreign.


The antiinflammatory ones not asteroidean (abridged AINE) are a varied group and chemically heterogeneous of principally antiinflammatory, analgesic medicaments and antipyretics, for what they reduce the symptoms of the inflammation, the pain and the fever respectively

Asepsis/ asepsia

The asepsis is the free condition of microorganisms that produce diseases or infections.

Artery / arteria

It is each of the glasses that take the blood from the heart to other parts of the body

AUTOPSY / autopsia

Consideration of a body after death, to determine the causes of it.


It is a type of conjunctive specializing fabric, with a colloidal liquid counterfoil and a complex constitution. There has a solid phase (elements form, that it includes to the white blood cells, the red blood cells and the platelets and a liquid phase represented by the blood plasma.
His principal function is the logistics of distribution and systemic integration, which containment into the blood glasses (vascular space) admits his distribution (blood stream) towards almost the whole body.


The bile is a liquid alkaline yellowish substance produced by the liver of many vertebrates. It intervenes in the processes of digestion working like emulsionante of the oily acids (it is to say, they turn them into very small droplets that can be attacked by more facility by the digestive juices). It contains you work out biliary, proteins, cholesterol and hormones.

Bruise/ Hematoma

Extravasations of blood in a natural cavity or under the skin

Bunions / juanetes

Deformation of the first phalanx of the big toe caused by diversion to the other fingers. SYMPTOMS: 1) The skin becomes thin at the scene of the deformity (the base of the thumb), 2) Sometimes fluid accumulates under the skin of the affected area, 3) of the foot pain and stiffness of the joint finger. CAUSES: Bunions occur when people are especially prone to using inappropriate footwear compress the toes. The case is worse if you have flat feet, if you suffer from inflammatory processes, etc.. The gastric juice gastric juice is secreted by the stomach and is involved in digestion. CONTENTS: mucus and enzymes. The normal gastric juice contains a ferment called Factor blood catla, this factor is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12 (pernicious anemia produces its lack).


It is a histopathology in which the cells of the parénquima of an organ I hospitalize anyone they are replaced, on having died, for an abnormal fabric of type cicatricial formed from the fabric estromal of the proper organ


The infection of urine is provoked by the invasion of microorganisms in the urinary tract. It can take place (be produced) for two different routes: for the low end of the urinary tract (opening in the top of the penis or of the urethra, as it is a question of a man or of a woman), that it is the most frequent case; or across the blood flow, in whose case the infection concerns directly the kidneys. The infections of the most habitual urinary tract are the produced ones for bacteria, though also they can appear because of virus, fungi or parasites.


It is a bony osseous box that it protects and contains to the encephalon principally. The human cranium is shaped by the joint of 8 bones,which form an opened and ovoid cavity of changeable thickness, by an approximate capacity of 1.450 ml (in adults).

Cough/ tos

expiration that opens violently the glottis produced by a phenomenon irritable.

Cyanosis/ Cianosis

Blue coloration of the skin proper to an insufficient oxygenation of the blood.

CHEMOTHERAPY / quimioterapia

When we act on a cause of a disease, administering pharmacy. View TUMORS.

CERVICAL INCOMPETENCE / incopetencia cervical

Were named to the inability of the cervix to stay closed during pregnancy. The solution, to avoid interruption of pregnancy is to perform an operation called Cerclage in the neck by a close sliding thread, which is removed at birth.

Diagnosis / Dignostico

To realize an evaluations about of a disease

Difficulty in breathing / disnea

Difficulty in the respiration with origin the respiratory device.

Diarrhea/ Diarrea

It is an alteration of the dregs as for volume, fluidize or frequency in abnormal relation to the physiological one, which carries a low absorption of liquids and nutrients, being able to be accompanied of pain, fever, nauseas, vomit, weakness or loss of the appetite.


A diet is the guideline that an animal follows consumption in the habitual consumption of food.


It reduces the load of pathogenic organisms in the environment of his ship of birds it will diminish the risk of disease. The disinfectants are the chemical agents who can kill to the pathogenic organisms to the contact. Cleaning the place before the disinfection it exhibits to the pathogenic organisms to the disinfectant.


Digestive device/aparato digestivo

The digestive device is the set of organs (mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine) managers of the process of the digestion, that is to say, the transformation of the food in order that they could be absorbed and used by the cells of the organism.
The function that it realizes is that of transport (food), secretion (digestive juices), absorption (nutrients) and excretion (by means of the process of defecation).

Deep/ coma

It is a severe condition(state) of loss of conscience, which can ensue from a great variety of conditions including the poisonings (drugs, alcohol or toxins), metabolic anomalies (hypoglycemia, hyperglycemias, ketosis), diseases of the nervous central system, ictus, traumatism encephalic cranium, convulsions and hypoxia. The metabolic reasons are the most frequent

Delirium/ Delirio

The patient is disconnected of the reality, with incoherent ideas, illusions and hallucinations

Diaphoresis/ Diaforesis

Intense Secretion of sweat with elevation of the corporal temperature.)

Edema/ edema

Swelling of the subcutaneous tissue or of other organs.


A " neurological chronic disorder characterized by a predisposition of the brain to generate epileptic attacks appellants, and for the consequences neurobiológicas, cognitive, psychological and social of this condition ".

Epidemic/ epidemia

It is a description in the community health that happens when a disease affects a top number of individuals to waited in a population during a certain time.

Endocrine system/ sistema endocrino

The endocrine or hormonal system is a set of organs and fabrics of the organism(organisation) that liberate a type of substances called hormones and is constituted besides these, for specializing cells and endocrine glands. It(he,she) acts as a network of cellular communication that answers to the stimuli liberating hormones and he is the manager of diverse metabolic functions of the organism(organisation); between(among) them we find:
* To control the intensity of chemical functions in the cells.
* To govern the transport of substances across the membranes of the cells.
* To regulate the balance (homeostasis) of the organism(organisation).
* Make appear the sexual secondary characteristics.
* Other aspects of the metabolism of the cells, as growth and secretion

Falanga / falages

Each of the bones that form the skeleton of the fingers. From inside out: Falanga, FALANGINA and FALANGETA. / HAND: 3 Phalange each finger except the thumb which has only two (Falange and Falangeta). And two (Falange and Falangeta).

FECES / heces

They are the remnants of digestion, fecal droppings.

Glore/ guantes

Bidirectional barrier between the sanitary personnel and the environment with which this one takes contact across his hands:
They reduce the possibility that the present microorganisms in the hands of the personnel are transmitted to the patients during the accomplishment of tests or taken care of the pacientes and of a few patients to others.

Genitary device / aparato urinario

The device excretory is a set of organs in charge of the elimination of the nitrogenous residues of the metabolism, known by the medicine as urine; that it shapes the urea and the creatinina. His architecture consists of structures that leak the corporal fluids (liquid celomático, hemolinfa, bleeds). In the invertebrates the basic unit of filtration is the nephritis, whereas in the vertebrates it is the nefrona or nefrón. The urinary human device consists, fundamentally, of two parts that are:
* The organs secretors’: kidney, which produce the urine and other functions recover
* The route excretory that gathers the urine and expels her on the outside.

Health/ Salud

Condition of an organic exempt being of diseases.

Haemorrhage / Hemorragia

Exit of blood out of the blood vessels.

Haemodialysis / Hemodialisis

Method of blood purification.
HELMINTHS / helmintico
Intestinal worm parasite.

HEMARTROS/ hemartros

Presence or effusion of blood in a cavity

Hematemesis / Hematemesis
Expulsion with vomiting of blood from the digestive system

Illness/ enfermedad

The disease is a process and the consistent status of affection of an alive being, characterized by an alteration of his ontological condition of health

Indigestion / indigestion

Stomach pain, stomach expands due to gas or acid in it. / Digestion disorder characterized by feelings of discomfort (no apparent organic cause), after eating or drinking. Symptoms can last for months. CAUSES: 1) very spicy, spicy foods, 2) Fast food and states of stress, 3) Excess of meat, 4) Food allergy; 5) Smoking; 6) Alcohol abuse. SYMPTOMS: 1) Acidity of stomach, need to burp; 2) Nausea mild 3) Pain in abdomen; 4) bloating, gas and flatulence.

Injure/ herida

A wound is an injury that takes place in the body of a human being or animal. It can be produced for multiple reasons, though generally it is due to blows or tears in the skin. Depending on his gravity, it is a necessary medical assistance.

Iatrogenic / yatrogenia

Illness caused by drugs.

Injection/ inyeccion

The injection is a procedure by means of which one makes spend a liquid or a viscous material across a pipe or a circular conduit for a certain end.

Infiltration/ Infiltracion

Slow step of a liquid across the interstices of a body.)

Inflammation/ Inflamacion

Pathological reaction that appear as consequence of a traumatic aggression.)

IODINE/ yodo

Essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid (thyroid hormones to produce). Their deficit in the intake causing a disturbance known as goiter. The normal daily intake should be between 100-200 mg. View Goiter and thyroid.