


The asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system characterized by airways youhyperreactivate, that is to say, an increase in the response broncoconstrictora of the bronchial tree. (asma)


An antigen is a substance that unleashes the formation(training) of antibodies and can cause an immune response. The modern definition includes all the substances that can be recognized by the immune adaptative system, well be own(proper) or foreign. ( antigeno)


The antiinflammatory ones not esteroideos (abridged AINE) are a varied group and chemically heterogeneous of principally antiinflammatory, analgesic medicaments and antipiréticos, for what they reduce the symptoms of the inflammation, the pain and the fever respectively (AINES)


The antibodies (also known as immunoglobulin) are glucoproteínas of the type gamma globulin. They can be of soluble form in the blood or in other corporal fluids of the vertebrates, having an identical form that acts as recipient of the lymphocytes B and are used by the system inmunitario to identify and to neutralize such strange elements as bacteria, virus or parasites. (anticuerpos)


The asepsis is the free condition of microorganisms that produce diseases or infections. ( asepsia)

Arteries/ Artery

The arteries are membranous, elastic conduits, with divergent ramifications, entrusted to distribute for the whole organism(organisation) the blood expelled in every systole of the ventricular cavities. ( arterias )



Anatomy/ Anatomia

Anatomía / Anatomy

La Anatomía (del griego ανατομη ana y tomē, "corte y disección") es una ciencia descriptiva que estudia las estructuras internas de las entidades vivientes, es decir la topografía, la ubicación, la disposición, y la relación entre sí de los órganos que las componen

Anatomy (from the Greek νατομία anatomia, from νατέμνειν ana: separate, apart from, and temnein, to cut up, cut open) is a branch of biology and Medicine which studies primarily the internal structure and design of the structure of living things.